- Introduction
In real-world applications, incremental data are often partially labeled.
ex) Face Recognition, Fingerprint Identification, Video Recognition
→ Semi-Supervised Continual Learning: Insufficient supervision and large amount of unlabeled data.
SSCL 에선 기존 CL 에서 사용하던 regularization-based method, replay-based method 가 잘 작동하지 않음 (왜 Architecture-based method 를 뺐는지는 모르겠음)
다만, Joint training 에서 strong semi-supervised classifier 는 significantly outperform
→ Catastrophic forgetting of unlabeled data problem in SSCL
► Online replay with discriminator consistency (ORDisCo): Continually learns the classifier with GAN
Replay data is sampled from the conditional generator to the classifier in an online manner.
Main Contributions
- Semi-supervised Continual learning
- ORDisCo: classifier & conditional GAN
- Various benchmarks
- Method
Problem Formulation: Labeled & Unlabeled data for each task data with CIL setting (No task label)
Conditional Generation on Incremental Semi-supervised Data
Triple-network structure which learns a classifier with conditional GAN (from SSL GAN sota)
Classifier $\mathit{C}$, Generator $\mathit{G}$, Discriminator $\mathit{D}$
Classifier Loss
$\mathit{L}_{\mathit{C},pl}(\theta_\mathit{C}) = \mathit{L}_{sl}(\theta_\mathit{C})+\mathit{L}_{ul}(\theta_\mathit{C})$
Discriminator Loss
$\mathit{L}_{\mathit{D},pl}(\theta_\mathit{D}) = \mathbb{E}_{x,y\sim b_l\cup smb}[\log{(D(x,y))}] +\alpha \mathbb{E}_{y'\sim p_{y'}, z \sim p_z}[\log{(1-D(G(z,y'),y'))}]$
$+(1-\alpha) \mathbb{E}_{x\sim bu}[\log{(1-D(x,\mathit{C}(x))}]$
Generator Loss
$\mathit{L}_{\mathit{G}}(\theta_\mathit{G}) = \mathbb{E}_{y'\sim p_{y'}, z \sim p_z}[\log{(1-D(G(z,y'),y'))}] $
Improving Continual Learning of Unlabeled Data (Forgetting 완화 방법)
(1) Online semi-supervised generative replay
Offline generative replay
- All old generators are saved and conditional samples are replayed for the classifier
- Each current task generator is saved
- Generate samples from $\mathit{G}$ and replay them to $\mathit{C}$
- Time and storage efficient
Classifier Loss
$\mathit{L}_{\mathit{C}}(\theta_\mathit{C})=\mathit{L}_{\mathit{C},pl}(\theta_\mathit{C}) + \mathit{L}_{\mathit{G}\to \mathit{C}}(\theta_\mathit{C})$
Generator Loss
$\mathit{L}_{\mathit{G}\to \mathit{C}}(\theta_\mathit{C})=\mathbb{E}_{y'\sim p_{y'}, z \sim p_z}[\log{(1-D(G(z,y'),y'))}]$
$+\mathbb{E}_{y'\sim p_{y'},z\sim p_z, \epsilon,\epsilon '} [\left\|\mathit{C}(\mathit{G(x,y'),\epsilon }) -\mathit{C}(\mathit{G(x,y'),\epsilon '})\right\|]$
(2) Stabilization of discrimination consistency
Discriminator Loss
$\mathit{L}_{\mathit{D}}(\theta_\mathit{D})=\mathit{L}_{\mathit{D},pl}(\theta_\mathit{D}) + \lambda \sum_{i}^{}\xi _{1:b,i}(\theta_{\mathit{D},i}-\theta_{\mathit{D},i}^*)^2$
2nd term 은 Parameter Regularization term
- Experiment
- New Instance[2]: All classes are shown in the first batch while subsequent instances of known classes become available over time
- New Class: For each sequential batch, new object classes are available so that the model must deal with the learning of new classes without forgetting previously learned ones
- Tiny-ImageNet
New Instance: 30/30/10 batches with small amout of labels to each batch
New Class: Same split with New Instance, but 5 binary classification tasks
- Wide ResNet
- Mean teacher (MT)
- Supervised Memory Buffer (SMB)
- Unsupervised Memory Buffer (UMB)
- Unified Classifier (UC)
New Instance
New Class
- Discussion
확실히 2021 논문이기도 하고 SSCL 을 처음 제안하다보니, 최근 트렌드와는 조금 다른 setting 들이 보인다.
최근 트렌드에 맞게 multi-task classification 및 일반적인 CIL setting 이 필요해보인다.
- Reference
[1] Wang, Liyuan, et al. "Ordisco: Effective and efficient usage of incremental unlabeled data for semi-supervised continual learning." CVPR 2021 [Paper link]
[2] Parisi, German I., et al. "Continual lifelong learning with neural networks: A review." Neural networks 2019 [Paper link]
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