Paper Review/Continual Learning (CL)

[CVPR 2021] ORDisCo: Effective and Efficient Usage of Incremental Unlabeled Data for Semi-supervised Continual Learning

이성훈 Ethan 2023. 7. 3. 03:19

- Introduction


In real-world applications, incremental data are often partially labeled.


ex) Face Recognition, Fingerprint Identification, Video Recognition



Semi-Supervised Continual Learning: Insufficient supervision and large amount of unlabeled data.


SSCL 에선 기존 CL 에서 사용하던 regularization-based method, replay-based method 가 잘 작동하지 않음 (왜 Architecture-based method 를 뺐는지는 모르겠음)


다만, Joint training 에서 strong semi-supervised classifier 는 significantly outperform


→ Catastrophic forgetting of unlabeled data problem in SSCL



Online replay with discriminator consistency (ORDisCo): Continually learns the classifier with GAN


Replay data is sampled from the conditional generator to the classifier in an online manner.



Main Contributions

  1. Semi-supervised Continual learning
  2. ORDisCo: classifier & conditional GAN
  3. Various benchmarks

- Method


Problem Formulation: Labeled & Unlabeled data for each task data with CIL setting (No task label)



Conditional Generation on Incremental Semi-supervised Data


Triple-network structure which learns a classifier with conditional GAN (from SSL GAN sota)


Classifier $\mathit{C}$, Generator $\mathit{G}$, Discriminator $\mathit{D}$


Classifier Loss


$\mathit{L}_{\mathit{C},pl}(\theta_\mathit{C}) = \mathit{L}_{sl}(\theta_\mathit{C})+\mathit{L}_{ul}(\theta_\mathit{C})$


Discriminator Loss


$\mathit{L}_{\mathit{D},pl}(\theta_\mathit{D}) = \mathbb{E}_{x,y\sim b_l\cup smb}[\log{(D(x,y))}] +\alpha \mathbb{E}_{y'\sim p_{y'}, z \sim p_z}[\log{(1-D(G(z,y'),y'))}]$

                                                                                     $+(1-\alpha) \mathbb{E}_{x\sim bu}[\log{(1-D(x,\mathit{C}(x))}]$


Generator Loss


$\mathit{L}_{\mathit{G}}(\theta_\mathit{G}) = \mathbb{E}_{y'\sim p_{y'}, z \sim p_z}[\log{(1-D(G(z,y'),y'))}] $



Improving Continual Learning of Unlabeled Data (Forgetting 완화 방법)


각 행은 같은 레이블을 가지는 image로 구성. Conditional GAN 을 사용하여 Supervised Memory Buffer (SMB)를 구성한 (b) 와 달리 ORDisCO 를 사용하여 SMB를 구성한 (c) 가 outperform 하는 것을 알 수 있음.


(1) Online semi-supervised generative replay


Time and storage efficient strategy

Offline generative replay

  1. All old generators are saved and conditional samples are replayed for the classifier
  2. Each current task generator is saved


  1. Generate samples from $\mathit{G}$ and replay them to  $\mathit{C}$
  2. Time and storage efficient


Classifier Loss


$\mathit{L}_{\mathit{C}}(\theta_\mathit{C})=\mathit{L}_{\mathit{C},pl}(\theta_\mathit{C}) + \mathit{L}_{\mathit{G}\to \mathit{C}}(\theta_\mathit{C})$


Generator Loss


$\mathit{L}_{\mathit{G}\to \mathit{C}}(\theta_\mathit{C})=\mathbb{E}_{y'\sim p_{y'}, z \sim p_z}[\log{(1-D(G(z,y'),y'))}]$

                          $+\mathbb{E}_{y'\sim p_{y'},z\sim p_z, \epsilon,\epsilon '} [\left\|\mathit{C}(\mathit{G(x,y'),\epsilon }) -\mathit{C}(\mathit{G(x,y'),\epsilon '})\right\|]$



(2) Stabilization of discrimination consistency


Discriminator Loss


$\mathit{L}_{\mathit{D}}(\theta_\mathit{D})=\mathit{L}_{\mathit{D},pl}(\theta_\mathit{D}) + \lambda \sum_{i}^{}\xi _{1:b,i}(\theta_{\mathit{D},i}-\theta_{\mathit{D},i}^*)^2$


2nd term 은 Parameter Regularization term

- Experiment



  • New Instance[2]: All classes are shown in the first batch while subsequent instances of known classes become available over time
  • New Class: For each sequential batch, new object classes are available so that the model must deal with the learning of new classes without forgetting previously learned ones


  • SVHN
  • CIFAR10
  • Tiny-ImageNet

New Instance: 30/30/10 batches with small amout of labels to each batch


New Class: Same split with New Instance, but 5 binary classification tasks




  • Wide ResNet


  • Mean teacher (MT)
  • Supervised Memory Buffer (SMB)
  • Unsupervised Memory Buffer (UMB)
  • Unified Classifier (UC)

New Instance

Tiny-ImageNet 10 batches average accuracy



SVHN-1 and CIFAR10-5 average accuracy


New Class


5 binary classification tasks

- Discussion


확실히 2021 논문이기도 하고 SSCL 을 처음 제안하다보니, 최근 트렌드와는 조금 다른 setting 들이 보인다.


최근 트렌드에 맞게 multi-task classification 및 일반적인 CIL setting 이 필요해보인다.

- Reference

[1] Wang, Liyuan, et al. "Ordisco: Effective and efficient usage of incremental unlabeled data for semi-supervised continual learning." CVPR 2021 [Paper link]

[2] Parisi, German I., et al. "Continual lifelong learning with neural networks: A review." Neural networks 2019 [Paper link]